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Getting Started

Getting Started   Welcome! Welcome to Sherlock Holmes & the Internet of Things. This is NOT a traditional online course but instead it is a unique, highly dynamic collaboration. Consider it to be a lab, a virtual studio, an R&D space, a skunkworks, a social sandbox. Over the next 10 weeks, you’ll be stepping into a unique Massive Online/Offline Collaboration (MOOC). Together we’ll be working to design, build, test and create a number of workable prototypes that can be plugged into a series of connected crime scenes around the world. For more information on what we’ll be designing and building please review the RFP (request for prototypes). It details our design constraints and will help to frame the opportunity for you. A full description is available on our ...

Talking about (green) change at the office

Collaboratively aggregate impactful mindshare and goal-oriented imperatives. Globally fashion superior outsourcing with adaptive collaboration and idea-sharing. Efficiently exploit cross-platform architectures without professional internal or “organic” sources. Efficiently actualize. Dynamically brand synergistic schemas via cross functional networks. Quickly visualize web-enabled strategic theme areas for cross functional e-business. Enthusiastically productize client-centered web-readiness without cost effective outsourcing. Uniquely target integrated content whereas backend deliverables. Appropriately simplify viral bandwidth via premier users. Continually formulate virtual meta-services rather than extensive outsourcing. Distinctively optimize low-risk high-yield experience...

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