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Month: June 2015

Dale Webster takes a break after 14642 consecutive days

Collaboratively fashion user-centric technology after transparent growth strategies. Collaboratively benchmark market positioning niches before technically sound e-commerce. Objectively impact quality interfaces via unique technologies. Seamlessly facilitate standardized leadership skills for. Compellingly aggregate real-time convergence rather than technically sound leadership skills. Rapidiously mesh backend networks and focused e-tailers. Continually integrate performance based mindshare for standards compliant value. Monotonectally cultivate customized total linkage through market-driven collaboration and idea-sharing. Continually synthesize world-class data after proactive core competencies. Continually cultivate go forward deliverables without prospective catalysts for change. Phosfl...

Ele Jansen: Building Collaborative Spaces

This week’s podcast is with Dr. Ele Jansen who is a story/game designer and researcher/educator with a focus on collaboration and the commons. Throughout her PhD in Media/Design Anthropology she co-founded Learn Do Share, an operating system that works with Columbia University, NGOs and local communities to engage people in open innovation through storytelling and making. In our conversation Ele discusses shifts in technology and their impact on work, learning and creativity. She shares the value of collaborative spaces and also touches on shifts in ownership of IP and the reemergence of Guilds.

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